Let's Play Civil War Generals 2 Part 6: End of Shiloh

2017-09-15 8

Yes, I know that some turns are missing but I honestly don't care. Nothing happened at all that was worth my time or anyone elses.

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Music was added for this episode, Music added:
From the game Sluggish Morss (offers a free download of the game on the main Bandcamp page): https://jackking-spooner.bandcamp.com/track/come-into-my-garden

Rail Yard Ghosts: https://railyardghosts.bandcamp.com/track/instrumental

As it almost always is with this game, if the battles took longer then the Union forces would more then likely win just due to sheer numbers against the (almost always) outnumbered Confederate player. That is why adapting a piece-meal defensive line early in the match isn't very advantageous to the Confederate player, with the Union it's adopt a defensive stance then counter-attack, while with the Confederacy it's normally an outright attack then defend on favorable terrain. That is how the computer A.I (I believe) is programmed even though you do have some instances where it switches.

Shiloh church was the largest battle and some say the most decisive battle in the west at that point. This battle saw the two most capable commanders in the west for the whole war going head to head and, as you can imagine, The Confederates lost. Overall Confederate Casualties were 10,700 which was nearly a quarter of their forces, and Albert Sydney Johnston (overall commander of the Confederate forces in the west) was killed within a few hours of the first day.

The battle of Island ten happened the same day and this defeat left Memphis open to Union capture. This battle was more American casualties then all other American wars combined at that point.

Overall Union casualties were 13,500 which caused Grant to be heavily criticized for the waste of his men by not having them be prepared for the enemy that reports showed were near-by. Sherman and Grant were both heavily criticized since only an hour or two before the battle started, scouts had reported large Confederate columns coming towards the camp. Sherman was quoted with saying " Go back to your command and stop letting ghosts scare you." His command was the heaviest hit that day.

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