MONSTERS of monster hunter: The Mounts

2017-09-14 1

Episode 9. The Mounts\r
Today, Player2 will show our Gen3 hunters how mounting is done with his gen4 abilities... or is he going to drown himself again? \r
This is a followupof the faith of player2 some s back, check out the lagombito understand the premise. \r
how did player2 got back into his own universe?\r
thanks for supporting thissince ep1. The MHwill come back again when I got fresher ideas without the need to rehash scenes from previous s. \r
Music from\r
Scattershot, Round Drums, IntendedForce by Kevin MacLeod \r
Mini Uragaan from MH OST.\r
Additional sounds and editing by strelok\r
give us a LIKE over at NCHproductions to get previews,sneaks and info on upcomming animation projects\r
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