Hopes for reform as UN General Assembly opens

2017-09-13 5

After 20 years of stalled talks, plans have been laid out to reform the UN Security Council.

Speaking as the 72nd regular session of the UN General Assembly opened, its president, Miroslav Lajčák, said he wanted to promote “meaningful and credible” negotiations.

Migration was also high on the agenda.

“We will negotiate the first intergovernmental Compact on Migration. We will held the first high level event on peace and prevention. Many member states will sign the first document on the elimination of nuclear weapons and the first document on eliminating sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping,”

In a ballot in July, 122 UN Member Nations voted in favour of eliminating nuclear weapons. Britain, France, Russia, the US and North Korea are among a number of nuclear-armed nations boycotting the treaty.

The EU has sent a delegation to New York for the plenary session. Its Ambassador to the UN, João Vale de Almeida, told euronews:

“We bring 28 member States that largely have the same position on issues of foreign policy or global challenges. We are an important conveyer of an idea of consensus, which is what multilateralism is about.”

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