Oil Spills From Sinking Tanker, Blackening Salamina Coastline

2017-09-13 7

Oil spilled from a sinking tanker washed up on the coastline of Greek island Salamina, resulting in a “huge environmental and financial disaster,” according to the island’s mayor, Isidora Papathanasiou..

The Aghia Zoni II tanker sunk on Saturday, September 9, near the Greek island of Psyttaleia. A change in weather on Sunday brought the oil to Salamina’s eastern coastline, local newspaper Kathimerini reported..

The tanker, carrying 2,200 metric tons of fuel oil and 370 metric tons of marine gas oil, sunk in the early morning as water flooded the ship’s engine room while they were anchored, local outlet Thema News reported. The two-person crew was rescued and brought to safety. Credit: Up Drones via Storyful

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