Mark Dacascos -training & interview

2017-09-11 12

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Now we join Mark as he does more specific capoeira training under the guidance of his capoeira maestro (teacher). He prices spin kicks on a pad, skip rope, punches and kicks on the bag.\r
In the next scene, we see Mark at the gymnasium stretching out. He talks in detail about the intensive, gruelling workouts he regularly does: I think without some ah.gymnastics background theres no way I could have done any capoeira this fast, definitely not. I mean just to do a handstand most people need a month or 6 to get that down.\r
In capoeira, everything is, youre either on your hands \r
or flipping in the air doing split kicks or something and ah, fortunately for gymnastics -do a lot of that as well.\r
The thing thats different is, in gymnastics at least on the floor, you have a springboard floor, you have the mat, the cushion to do the fancy tricks. In capoeira youre doing it on pavement, on hardwood floor.\r
Ive got the technique, my feet are still trying to learn how to cushion themselves! Its hard, its hard, but definitely the gymnastics has been a great advantage, no doubt. I started taking private lessons in capoeira about 3 months ago and thats 4-5 times a week and hour and a half to two hours a day, and its just one-on-one with the instructor and myself Amen Santo. And its gruelling! I mean he has me doing cartwheels, cartwheels and flips and all the kicks on hardwood floor, so I do that, you know, 4-5 times a week. I do my weight workout in the mornings, I start between 6 and 7 and it goes for an hour and a half to two hours and thats 6 days a week.religiously.\r
And then inbetween the capoeira and the weights, I try to do some other type of workout, sometimes gymnastics or kung-fu where I work on the bag and do a lot of cardio vascular. I work some weapons and if I do neither of those, I go surfing or run the hill over at Mountain Gate, its about a mile and a quarter, 45 degree out, it is gruelling! I prefer surfing and that, but if the waves are low than I do the running its pretty intense, very intense! I like to dance and do gymnastics and do martial arts, and capoeira is a combination of all three, with music, I mean its great. Its gonna be a visual thing onscreen, a really great visual thing. \r
But yeah, I met with my director and the producers and they said its capoeira and said, Hey, I know a little bit of that! Its kinda cool and the dancing and they said, the martial arts and gymnastics is all combined, its going to be quite great I think.\r
My father, hes a pretty good martial artist.hes a very good martial artist ually. Hes in the Black Belt Hall of Fame, it was 1977. Probably besides Bruce Lee, one of the most popular, famous kung-fu masters in the world and Ive been training with him and my mother (who got her black belt from my dad), all my life. Ive been kicking people in the shins since I was 4 years old or so! Hes got some students who do capoeira and he thinks its a great art. He believes that the more arts that one is exposed to, the better warrior you are because you know, you understand movements more, you can understand how to fight different people, different techniques and so forth. So when I got involved in capoeira, I said Hey pop! I was really excited, Yeah man, Im taking capoeira lessons you know! He goes,Its about time! Right OK, yeah, whatever pop! But hes happy. He always thought I was a little bit showy in my self-defence techniques but he does believe that onscreen its gonna look great and he knows I can back most of my stuff up, yeah, most of it.\r
(Then he does a textbook display of tumbling and somersaults with martial expressions to end!)\r
Mahalo (thanks) Mark!