Hillary Clinton has cited her personal emails as being a significant reason for her downfall in the 2016 presidential election.
Hillary Clinton has cited her personal emails as being a significant reason for her downfall in the 2016 presidential election.
In an interview with ‘CBS Sunday Morning,’ she told host Jane Pauley, “Oh I think the most important of the mistakes I made was using personal email."
Clinton also noted that then-FBI Director James Comey’s late October announcement that another potential trove of unsecured messages had surfaced, “just stopped" her momentum.
The topic is one Clinton broaches in her new book ‘What Happened.’
According to the New York Times, she writes, “My first instinct was that my campaign should hit back and explain that Mr. Comey had badly overstepped his bounds,” but says her advisers convinced her “to just let it go and try to move on.”
“Looking back that was a mistake," Clinton says.
The issue of her emails has proven to be enduring one.
Politico notes that less than two weeks ago, Senate Judiciary Committee members Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley wrote a letter to the FBI regarding reports that Comey had "started drafting a statement clearing Clinton of charges in the case before she was interviewed by the FBI."
Not long after news of the Senators’ letter surfaced, President Trump tweeted, “Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over...and so much more. A rigged system!”