A Kiwiana Day in Otorohanga - New Zealand's Biggest Gap Year – Backpacker Guide New Zealand

2017-09-09 5

Day 25: Today we are meeting the Kiwiana Committee in New Zealand’s Kiwiana Town, Otorohanga! Then things get weird... We also visit the Otorohanga Kiwi House

About this video:

Today we are in Otorohanga! This town is the Kiwiana capital of New Zealand – Kiwiana being all the things that are associated with the New Zealand culture. We are invited to meet the mayor of Otorohanga, as well as the Kiwiana Committee. As we’re talking, we start to realise there are some costumes being prepared for us...

Next thing we know we are parading around the Kiwiana Town of Otorohanga dressed like Wiki the kiwi bird and a Wattie’s tomato sauce bottle... We visit all the murals of Otorohanga and walk down the Sir Edmund Hillary Walkway, meeting the locals and, well, just having a hilarious time!

We get out of our costumes and visit one more place before leaving for Waitomo. We visit the Otorphanga Kiwi House where we see a real life kiwi bird, as well as catch a bird feeding where we feed some parakeets / kakariki. There are so many fascinating New Zealand wildlife here, like the tuatara.

After an unexpected yet super fun time in Otorohanga, the Kiwiana Town, we are hitting the road once again – this time to Waitomo.

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New Zealand Biggest Gap Year

365 Days: 365 Activities

This year, Robin and Laura from BackpackerGuide.NZ are taking on 365 days doing 365 activities in New Zealand. They have to do an activity in New Zealand every single day. That way, we can show you the wealth of awesome things to do in New Zealand on a New Zealand trip, as well as bring you the best New Zealand travel guide out there... Totally free!

Read more about the Kiwiana Town of Otorohanga on New Zealand’s biggest guide for backpackers: http://www.backpackerguide.nz/blog/2016/06/kiwiana-otorohanga/