Eager to Create Blue-Collar Jobs, a Small Business Struggles

2017-09-05 0

Eager to Create Blue-Collar Jobs, a Small Business Struggles
Carmakers are “constantly pushing costs down, costs down, costs down,” Ms. Quillen said from the passenger seat of the Tahoe, speeding east.
Ms. Quillen, who employs 57 people on her factory floor, would like to create more jobs at higher pay in her hometown, where she went to high school
and met her husband, Nick Quillen, a former teacher who now oversees the factory floor.
“We’re going to end up giving them free consulting.”
“I’m getting used,” Ms. Quillen said.
“Everyone jokes about millennials,” Ms. Quillen says, “but the generation younger than
me, I’ve noticed their sense of responsibility to come to work is nonexistent.”
After two days of orientation, new hires are sent for a drug test.