President Trump sent out his Labor Day greeting to the nation via Twitter, and his message sparked strong reactions.
President Trump sent out his Labor Day greeting to the nation via Twitter, and his message sparked strong reactions.
“We are building our future with American hands, American labor, American iron, aluminum and steel. Happy #LaborDay," Trump tweeted on Monday.
Many social media users took issue with Trump’s touting of “American hands” and “American labor,” pointing out that he and his family have much of their branded merchandise made overseas.
One person shared links to numerous reports on that matter, commenting, “Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China,” and, “Ivanka Trump products are not made in America.”
Another posted an image of Donald J. Trump collection item with a ‘Made in China' label and noted, in part, “I don't think you're using the word ‘we’ correctly Mr. President.”
Some were more taken aback by the emphasis on iron, aluminum, and steel.
Comments on that matter included, “How about American science, research, and intellectual leadership?” and, “Most of our economic activity is information science...steel? It's not 1963.”