Media Handlers A Digitial Entertainment Broadcasting Company

2017-09-04 1

The Media Handlers Group efforts within our Brand relaunch will focus on building a traditional independent television system online which is a generational shift for online usages today like YouTubers' and other on-demand user-generated video sites.

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Our broadcast channel delivers and function like live cable TV channels exclusively on the Internet. With our player's technology viewers have the ability to sit back, full screen and watch streaming TV or utilized our on demand selection and stay interactive by rating & sharing program content. Our viewers watch our channels in many different ways via our web pages plus all Media Handlers channels are listed in major global TV directories driving audiences from all over the world.

Maintaining a free-to-view system continues to allow thousands of viewers per day to watch any of our channels because our system runs in a streaming television play back style. This allows 24 hour broadcasting of content, programs, and advertisements on our online digital broadcast network. Media handlers have a progressive way of re-editing and delivering our content just like traditional television. Our programs run in 30 minutes to one-hour shows with advertisements and promotions included.

The benefits of placing your videos and visual presentation on Media Handlers TV, unlike YouTube and Face Book, are aggregators, mash-ups, and user-generated video gateways. The Media Handlers Group is an actual television network online; creating and producing its own original programming as well as broadcasting quality TV shows from independent filmmakers to producers in the television style format.
A producer or advertiser on the Media Handlers TV system can aggregate a possibility of hundreds of thousands of viewers per month. This is simply because of our online streaming television style channels which are broadcasting a variety content 24 hours a day. More than 50 percent of Media Handlers TV viewers return, with many of them on a daily basis. Our channels are viewed in 192 countries with large audiences in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, U.K. & Russia.