Boredom and not keeping your mind active are two ways by which you'll shrink your grey matter, and that obviously isn't ever going to be a good thing! Whilst engaging in work, enjoying laughs with family and friends, or playing your favourite sport or computer game will all provide mental stimulation, in my humble opinion (and taking nothing away from the aforementioned past-times ) you can not beat half an hour on the internet browsing cool websites that will make you either laugh, cry, frown, raise your eyebrows or all four. Don't know where to begin? Unsure what websites might be to your taste? Don't worry, here are a few cool websites that will help you defy boredom any day or time of the week.
1) The Onion. This, quite simply, is pure genius. If you're into current affairs, news and hilarity then The Onion covers all three of these perfectly. Its satirical news stories that are interlaced with brilliant humour are certain to raise a smile and sometimes even a belly laugh, so if you're at work it might be ideal to save it until your lunch or toilet breaks!
2) TED. What is there to say about TED other than it's absolutely incredible. Even from just watching a few TED videos on YouTube you'll see just how cool the content they supply is! They cover such a wide array of topics and subjects that no matter where your interest lie there'll be something to thoroughly interest you. In fact, if I could only visit one website for the rest of my days then it would be TED! That's how cool it is.
Now we've given you a little taster into the world of cool websites I'm sure your salivating and wanting more? Good, I knew you would be. For the coolest sites on the internet go to: