Hazrat Khidr will accompany Hazrat Mahdi (as)

2017-08-28 8

ADNAN OKTAR: Caliph Ali al-Ridha, one of the twelve imams, narrates from our Prophet (saas) in his Shiite work titled Al-Risalah: "When Mahdi of our progeny appears, he will be accompanied by Khidr."  Our Prophet (saas) is the one saying this. In another narration; "Almighty God changes the loneliness of our Qaim (as) during his occultation into his companionship and removes his loneliness through him (Khidr).”

For example, Khidr helps Mahdi (as) in prison or when he faces other difficulties. When Mahdi (as) encounters various troubling situations, Khidr comes to his help under different guises, without Mahdi (as) realizing it. He may assume the guise of a jailer, or in another instance, a doctor. He may assume different guises in different places.  He may assume the guise of a civil servant, and Mahdi (as) does not realize this. (Ikmaaluddin , THE PROMISED MAHDI Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi, English Translation of Biharul Anwar, Volume 13 (Old Edition)/Volumes 51-52-53 (New Edition) Part II , p.53) "Ali al-Sarraj, a master of innate science, writes of a meeting between Khidr and Hazrat Ali (Kitab al-Luma, page 179)." Following the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (ra), there is a person performing the funeral prayer, whom people likens to Hazrat Ali (ra). They say it is Hazrat Ali (ra) himself who has performed the prayer, whereas it is actually Khidr. Once the prayer is completed, he vanishes. The person people see during the funeral prayer is Khidr, although he is under the guise of Hazrat Ali (ra).

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