Joe Biden Says President Trump Has 'Emboldened White Supremacists'

2017-08-27 52

Joe Biden has criticized President Trump in an op-ed published in the Atlantic.

In the wake of Donald Trump's remarks on Charlottesville violence, Joe Biden says the president has "emboldened white supremacists."
Biden penned his comments in an op-ed that was published in the Atlantic on Sunday.
"Today we have an American president who has publicly proclaimed a moral equivalency between neo-Nazis and Klansmen and those who would oppose their venom and hate," the fomer vice president notes in his commentary. "We have an American president who has emboldened white supremacists with messages of comfort and support."
Biden's reaction appears to be a reference, in part, to the president blaming "both sides" -- white supremacists and counterprotesters -- for the deadly Charlottesville protest.
"If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides," Trump said during a combative press briefing on August 15. "I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either."
Biden, in the op-ed, calls for the nation to stand against hate groups.
"This is a moment for this nation to declare what the president can’t with any clarity, consistency, or conviction: There is no place for these hate groups in America," he writes. "Hatred of blacks, Jews, immigrants—all who are seen as 'the other'—won’t be accepted or tolerated or given safe harbor anywhere in this nation."