My Penguin Modern Classics Collection

2017-08-25 2

The Books:

The Enchanter:
The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault:
The Complete Cosmicomics:
Reading Lolita in Tehran:
There Once Lived a Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbour's Baby - Scary Fairy Tales:
There Once Lived a Girl Who Seduced Her Sister's Husband, and He Hanged Himself:
Why Read the Classics?:
Cannery Row:
The Winter of Our Discontent:
The Driver's Seat:
The Autobiography of Malcolm X:
The Haunting of Hill House:
The Lottery and Other Stories:
The Bird's Nest:
The Sundial:
The Road Through the Wall:
Hangover Square:
Johnny Got His Gun:
The Man in the High Castle:
In Cold Blood:
The Cyberiad:

Where else can you find me?
My Blog:

If you would like to support me and all of the things I do on this channel please consider donating a spare dollar to my patreon page (only a spare one though):

What do I use to film my videos?
I am currently using a Canon 700d camera with the kit lens to film my videos linked here:
With a 32GB memory card:
I also use a 183cm Super Strong Tripod linked here:
And when filming at night or in low light PhotoSel soft box lights, which are linked here:

Links to bookdepository and amazon are usually affiliate links.