Tree House -চাংঘৰ-Chang ghor/Mising People House

2017-08-24 3

Tree House -চাংঘৰ-Chang ghor
Uplode by - Durania Tv
Its a Mising People House More about to Know - Visit this link
A traditional Mising house is stilted. It has a thatched top and is patterned simply like the letter ‘ I ’. It is built usually with wooden posts, beams, truss and supporting forks, but bamboo is used extensively for flooring and roofing. The more the number of nuclear families living in the same house, the longer the ‘ I ’ would be. The granary is built a little close to the house and a cowshed too would not be far away. Mishing villages are generally large in size, consisting of around fifty-to-sixty households on an average.
The traditional chief of a Mishing village was called a Ga:m. He presided at the sittings of the village Kebang (the village council), which deliberated upon different matters concerning the wellbeing of the village community as well as complaints of individual members or groups in the community. The Kebang was the legal, judicial and executive authority of the community, although the final say on all matters, barring the ones relating to their faith, was that of the Ga:m. Cases of social and criminal offences were heard by the Kebang, and persons found guilty were penalized. The Gam has been replaced with Gambura (gaonburha in mipak language) a petty village level agent of the government, since the days of the British. Kebang now denotes an association. Various Mishing nationalistic organization have been formed during the modern era of civilization like Takam Mishing Porin Kebang ( Mishing Student Union) and Mishing Bane Kebang ( Mishing Legislative Council) for the protection of the tribe from any harmful conspiracy by the non Mishings or popularly known as MIPAKS