Tyd party Chingo Streets of SAN DIEGO Latina GIRLS Party

2008-06-28 1

Filmed BY BBH films and The Music Is BY CHINGO BLING from the Superthrowed.net Mixtape. We are Local SAN DIEGO STREET promoters and have full rights for these Songs and We filmed the Video for a PARTY PROMOTION I was doing alot of thinking and I do think some radio dj's Should hit the Sd Streets.. I have the Power to Book anyone I want. I run like 15 Different Dj Camps. BUT like I want to mix it up . and ITs not even that. I want to create a star.. I also need a guy to keep communication up cuz I'm making Moves out here in the streets that people inside need to know.. Because I'm already TALKING DIRECTLY to LABELs. They watch me closer than Radio. ON MY ASS about whats hot. what are people wearing.. all trying to produce the next big rapper. and ITS GONNA BE A MEXICAN SOON.. WE ALL Know it .. and when it hits. its gonna hit hard..

WEre all sticking together on this one. ALL The Mexican Rappers and the MEXICAN PROMOTERS.. From Texas to San Diego.. the game is changing. and the NUmbers I DO ?? MILLIONS A MONTH ..

These are just Ideas. I'm bouncing around. BUT I NEED TO Blow up someone in SUMMER OF 2008. what do you want me to pick some nobody from the streets like i always do and they EVENTUALLY JUST LEAVE ME when they blow up ?? its the same old story.. I MAKE STARs. then they leave me. AT LEAST IF I MAKE A STAR inside a COMPANY already . then he doesnt go anywhere. Plus the guy would not owe me anything.. I never really ask anyone for anything. I RUN MY OWN SHOW out here..