Trump Toughens Warning on North Korea, Despite Bipartisan Criticism

2017-08-20 1

Trump Toughens Warning on North Korea, Despite Bipartisan Criticism
10, 2017
President Trump said Thursday that his previous "fire
and fury" statement directed at North Korea was perhaps "not tough enough." BRIDGEWATER, N.J. — President Trump refused to back down on Thursday from his provocative threat to rain down "fire and fury" on North Korea if it endangers the United States, despite bipartisan criticism — and he argued that perhaps he was not harsh enough.
In all cases, a nuclear exchange must be avoided." He added
that all parties must assure the North Koreans that they will forgo "any military action against them if North Korea remains peaceful." Mr. Trump has tried to persuade China to do more to pressure North Korea to curb its weapons development, only to be disappointed that Beijing has not followed through as strongly as he would like.
In his comments to reporters on Thursday, Mr. Trump again suggested
that he would bargain with China by backing down from his planned trade war if Beijing did more to resolve the North Korea impasse.
House Democrats said that These statements are irresponsible
and dangerous, and also senselessly provide a boon to domestic North Korean propaganda, which has long sought to portray the United States as a threat to their people,
For all the bellicose words, Mr. Trump said on Thursday
that he was open to negotiations, as Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson urged North Korea to engage in talks.
North Korea has reacted with threats of its own, warning
that it might launch a missile strike toward the Pacific island of Guam, which is United States territory, as early as this month, and adding that it was capable of starting a nuclear war that might reach the continental United States.

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