Are you short of money? Do you wish you could have an alternative source of income? If your answer is in the affirmative, you have come to the right place. With the job market in a bad shape, arranging for finances is a tough job altogether. Cubber comes to you with a fresh new hope, a hope which can help you to earn a decent income.
Cubber is an online payments app which allows you to-
•Recharge your phone/DTH
•Shop online with additional discounts
•Pay your electricity/gas/landline and datacard bills
•Book bus tickets online
To avail these services you need to first register on the app. When done, you can then proceed to refer your friends to the app, with every two referrals getting Rs.200 in your Cubber wallet. Moreover, you get cashback every time you or your referrals do a transaction on the Cubber app.
The more people you refer on the Cubber app, the more money you get to earn. So what are you waiting for,
download, install and register on the Cubber app now!
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