Poll: 61 Percent Trump Supporters Are Pretty Much Behind Him No Matter What

2017-08-18 2

Despite the challenges that have faced President Trump, a new poll shows that the majority of his supporters seem to be unwavering in their opinion of him.

Despite the challenges faced by President Trump, a new poll shows that the majority of his supporters seem to be unwavering in their opinion of him.
In the most recent Monmouth University survey, 329 respondents who said they approved of the president were asked, “Can you think of anything that Trump could do, or fail to do, in his term as president that would make you disapprove of the job he is doing, or not?” 
61 percent responded “no” while 32 percent said “yes.” 
The outcome is reminiscent of a controversial comment Trump reportedly made during the campaign where he said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” 
However, the president’s critics expressed similarly strong views in the poll, with more than half--or 57 percent--of the 406 participants who said they disapproved of Trump indicating that there is nothing he could do, other than resign, to earn their support. 
The survey “was conducted by telephone from August 10 to 14, 2017 with 805 adults in the United States.” 
CNN points out that “interviews for this poll were conducted both before and after protests turned violent in Charlottesville over the weekend, but before Trump's press conference Tuesday doubling down on his comments blaming ‘both sides’ for the clash.”