Latest New Yorker Cover Depicts Trump Powering A KKK-Hooded Sailboat

2017-08-18 15

The New Yorker’s next issue is already attracting attention due to its highly critical cover art.

The New Yorker’s next issue is already attracting attention due to its highly critical cover art. 
Titled 'Blowhard,' it shows President Trump on a boat blowing into its sail which resembles a white KKK hood--complete with eye holes. 
David Plunker, the normally non-political artist behind the image, explained his inspiration to the magazine, saying, “President Trump’s weak pushback to hate groups—as if he was trying not to alienate them as voters—compelled me to take up my pen.” 
He also told the Washington Post, “Transforming and twisting recognizable objects into visual ideas is my favorite kind of imagery to work on. That said, the actual story being illustrated is a bit of a national tragedy and an embarrassment.” 
The artwork comes on the heels of significant criticism against Trump for his remarks on Tuesday where he again seemed to defend white nationalists by asserting that “there's blame on both sides” for the weekend violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.