Report: Trump Cancels Plan For Infrastructure Council

2017-08-17 3

President Trump will reportedly no longer be assembling an Infrastructure Council.

President Trump on Wednesday announced that he's ending two business advisory panels. A day later, Bloomberg is reporting a change of plans for another council.
"Trump will not move forward with a planned Advisory Council on Infrastructure, a person familiar with the matter said Thursday," Bloomberg notes. "The council, which was still being formed, would have advised Trump on his plan to spend as much as $1 trillion upgrading roads, bridges and other public works."
This comes days after several CEOs resigned from the manufacturing council over Trump's response to the Charlottesville violence.
“America’s leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy, which run counter to the American ideal that all people are created equal," Merck's CEO, Kenneth Frazier, said in his resignation statement. "As CEO of Merck and as a matter of personal conscience, I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism.”
After others followed Frazier, the president tweeted Wednesday, “Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!”
According to the New York Times, the forum was effectively ended Wednesday after its members decided "to abandon the group altogether" during a morning call. 

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