Snake Slithers Into Police Department, Tries To Blend Into Carpet

2017-08-17 11

A snake slithered into the Fulshear, Texas police department on Wednesday night and, perhaps hoping to blend, situated itself on some similarly colored carpet.

One of the most successful strategies for occupying forbidden territory is to make sure nobody knows you’re there.
Perhaps with that in mind, a snake slithered into the Fulshear, Texas police department on Wednesday night and situated itself on some similarly colored carpet, reports KTRK. 
It’s unknown how long it was able to lay low, but it was ultimately discovered by the officers on duty. 
They were not pleased and quickly contained the creature, took it outside, and firmly told it not to come back. 
The Fulshear Police shared a picture of the snake, clever camouflage and all, on Facebook and commented, “Come on man! It's hard enough working the night shift, now we have to deal with snakes invading the police station?”