Mob took law into hand,thrashed youth in the suspicion of theft in Balasore

2017-08-13 3

NFTV : Odisha : Amjad Badshah : No need to call police and ask for investigation into the theft case. The mob decides the fate and judge it on their own whims and fancies. They don't hesitate even to thrash and parade and humiliate even without having the evidence of theft. This sort of mobocrasies are now seen spreading in the state of Odisha. On Sunday morning an angry mob in Nuabazar vegetable market seen where the mob got hold of a young man on the suspicion of theft of a bicycle and thrashed and humiliated him without having the proofs of theft. They beaten him and tore his clothes and tied his hands with the torn pieces of his cloth. Their anger didn't end there,they tonsured his and wrote "I am thief" on his chest and back. According to local sources,the incident flared up after one bicycle of a shopkeeper's went missing. The sad part of the affair is that there was none to hear the voice of the victim although he was pleading that he has not committed any theft. On the contrary,some people were filming the incidence on their mobile camera. As of now,no police report has been made in the police station in this incidence.