'March for Science' Protesters Demand Indian Government Back Rationalism

2017-08-09 7

Members of the scientific community and their supporters marched in 25 cities across India on August 9 to demand the government increase funding for science and enact policies that conform with “provable facts and rational thinking.”

Organizers of the marches said science in India “is facing the danger of being eclipsed by a rising wave of unscientific beliefs and religious bigotry, and scientific research is suffering serious setback due to dwindling governmental support.”

The protesters demanded that the government allocate at least 10 percent of GDP for higher education and at least 3 percent of GDP for scientific and technological research. They also called on the government to ensure that the “education system does not impart obscurantist ideas that are not supported by scientific evidence.” Credit: March For Science Bengaluru via Storyful