Hey there Ladies & Gents a while ago I once did a little series of mostly comedic skits namely "Crazy Plot Twist Theater" and I did it for the Street Fighter series this is for the 1st of 6 that you can read here at...
Here Ingrid tries to save Rose by doing a little bit of bluffing to M. Bison but it seems to have backfired. Here is the cast...
Kanen- Ingrid
Mortaivius- M. Bison
SakasaJinei- Rose
Pokejedservo- Narrator
Backgrounds from
Street Fighter Alpha 2* and 3
Street Fighter Alpha 3 M. Bison Theme Brave or Grave
Panels made in:
MS Paint
(*= Yes I know that the SFA 2 page is actually in Brazil but it is a Shadaloo Base so I went with that as a reason to pick that particular background.)
While this project was going for an Audioplay look I wanted to consider the idea of going for a Visual Novel idea. I initially wanted the character portraits to directly appear in the background. (However any transparent portrait pics of Ingrid seem to be very scarce so it seemed to be a bit more trouble than its worth so I did it this way.) I admit I am not sure if I would do it this way but have all 6 skits in seperate vids, do them all in one vid or go back to my original idea of having this as an audioplay. (Since I doubt I can show certain scenes in certain skits without getting a fanartist's help but I may just simply work around that.) But still folks what do you think?