Jacob Zuma remains in power: South Africa's president survives no confidence motion

2017-08-08 21

Jacob Zuma remains in power. South Africa's President Jacob Zuma survived the eighth no confidence motion against him. 177 out of 400 voted in favor of the motion, while 198 objected and 9 abstained. This is the eighth time that Zuma has faced a no confidence vote against himself, but also the first time that such a vote is held anonymous. The opposition party lobbied for the vote to be held privately due to concerns that many MPs fear punishments if they publicly vote against the president. Despite Zuma's successful election and reelection in 2009 and 2014 respectively, he has been constantly dogged by accusations of corruptions. Zuma was acquitted of 783 charges of corruptions related to government arm deals in 2009, and was accused of using public fund to renovate his private property in 2014.