Frank Sinatra and Kim Novak I Could Write A Book from Pal Joey (1957)

2017-08-08 1

Pal Joey is a 1957 American Technicolor musical film from Columbia Pictures, loosely adapted from the musical play of the same name, and starring Rita .
Sinatra has Rita Hayworth and Kim Novak dancing in his head!
2014/ 1/22am 日が長く・・・。 昔、エアチェックした・・曲。ノイズ・・有り ※以前ブロックでしたが再upします ※最初の白樺、蜃気楼のように見.
Not for commercial use ! ! ! My Funny Valentine Kim Novak Valentijn Selectie MY FUNNY VALENTINE My funny valentine Sweet comic valentine You make me .