Green tea compound may protect sensitive teeth

2017-08-08 6

WUHAN, CHINA — Researchers from China's Wuhan University have found a new way to treat sensitive teeth using a green tea extract.

Teeth may become sensitive when tooth enamel gets worn off, which exposes the dentin tissue underneath. Food or bacteria that comes into contact with nerve endings through the tubules in dentin tissue is what causes pain.

A group of researchers led by Cui Huang of Wuhan University combined a green tea polyphenol called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG, with a mineral called nanohydroxyapatite to combat teeth sensitivity. EGCG is a micronutrient that is known for its ability to fight Streptococcus mutans bacteria, which form biofilms that cause cavities.

The mixture successfully plugged the exposed dentin tubules and prevented the formation of biofilms, New Atlas reported.

According to New Atlas, the technology can be used to treat both tooth sensitivity and cavities, possibility in the form of a toothpaste additive.

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