China’s Internet Censors Play a Tougher Game of Cat and Mouse

2017-08-05 1

China’s Internet Censors Play a Tougher Game of Cat and Mouse
In recent days, Apple has pulled apps that offer access to such tools — called virtual private networks, or VPNs — off its China app
store, while Amazon’s Chinese partner warned customers on its cloud computing service against hosting those tools on their sites.
A number of Chinese internet service providers said on their social media accounts, websites, or in emails on Thursday
that Chinese security officials would test a new way to find the internet addresses of services hosting or using illegal content.
Close observers of the Chinese internet said some VPNs still work — and that China could still do a lot more to intensify its crackdown.
“We do think that if the government has decided to do so, it could have shut down much more VPN usage right
now,” said a spokesman for VPNDada, a website created in 2015 to help Chinese users find VPNs that work.