Why Addressing Pipe Expansion And Contraction Is Important

2017-08-04 0

For the past 30+ years, MIRO Industries has designed, developed, engineered, and patented various systems that help protect the roof from wear and tear caused by different elements. One such element is thermal pipe expansion and contraction, or the tendency of certain materials to change in shape, area, and volume in response to changes in temperature.Depending on the fluctuation of temperature, a regular steel pipe typically expands and/or contracts a quarter of an inch per day. Without a roller device or something to absorb the thermal expansion or contraction of the pipes, a standard, contractor-designed support may tear a hole on the roof or cause significant damage.Our experience in this field has allowed us to provide solutions that address this issue and more. For more information about our products, visit us at miroind.com or call 1-800-768-6978.MIRO Industries, Inc.844 South 430West Heber City, UT 84032Email: sales@miroind.comPhone: 1-800-768-6978Website:http://www.miroind.com/If you liked this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.