Marvel True Believers X Men & Spider Man Origins Audioplay Teaser Trailer

2017-08-03 6

Yes Ladies & Gents I am thinking of going into making Audio-Play versions of 5 Marvel stories thanks to the Marvel True Believers" comic line namely...

X-Men Issue 1
Giant-Size X-Men Issue 1
Spider-Man Issue 1 (Amazing Fantasy)
Spider-Man Issue 2 (Amazing Spider-Man Issue 1)
Spidey Issue 6 Making The Grade

(Okay if anyone is wondering why am I including a more recent comic like Spidey Issue 6 is because it came with the TB comic for Spider-Man Issue 1 since Spider-Man Issue 1 was actually a fairly short story for a comic. Besides I figured that you folks would welcome the chance to get to audition as folks like Iron Man, Vulture & Gwen Stacy and the like.)

These will be audioplays (though if I can get good scans for all of these comics I would be willing to do a comic dub) and I will be setting up auditions for them in the near future so stay tuned in. Excelsior!