Coulter On Stephen Miller's Press Briefing: 'Best Moment Of The Trump Presidency'

2017-08-03 100

Ann Coulter was effusive in her praise of White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller on Wednesday, even citing him as a major factor in President Trump’s election victory.

Ann Coulter was effusive in her praise of White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller on Wednesday, even citing him as a major factor in President Trump’s election victory.
The conservative commentator tweeted, “Experts say many people voted for Trump because they want Stephen Miller running the country.”
She made that and a series of positive comments about Miller as he discussed the administration’s support of a more restrictive, merit-based immigration approach during a press briefing. 
Coulter also wrote, “We need to clone Stephen Miller and appoint him to every cabinet position,” and "This press conference is the best moment of the Trump presidency since the inauguration." 
She later added, “I wonder if it would help if all Trump spokesmen were as smart as Stephen Miller.” 
According to the Washington Post, the Senate bill Miller was talking about is intended to “cut immigration by half from the current level of more than 1 million foreigners each year who receive green cards....”
Major changes would include scaling back family-based allowances and implementing a points system to account for job, language, and other skills. 
Despite the policy’s uncertain future in the Senate, it was vigorously defended by Miller who even engaged in a heated debate with CNN’s Jim Acosta concerning proposed changes and immigration in general.