Joining Apple, Amazon’s China Cloud Service Bows to Censors
A Chinese company that operates Amazon’s cloud-computing and online services business there said on Tuesday
that it told local customers to cease using any software that would allow Chinese to circumvent the country’s extensive system of internet blocks.
The company, called Beijing Sinnet Technology and operator of the American company’s Amazon Web Services
operations in China, sent one round of emails to customers on Friday and another on Monday.
SHANGHAI — Days after Apple yanked anti-censorship tools off its app store in China, another major American
technology company is moving to implement the country’s tough restrictions on online content.
“We the operators also check routinely if any of our users use these softwares or store illegal content.”
Ms. Wang said the letter was sent according to recent guidance from China’s Ministry of Public Security and the country’s telecom regulator.
Taken together, the recent moves by Apple and Amazon show how Beijing is increasingly forcing America’s
biggest tech companies to play by Chinese rules if they want to maintain access to the market.
New rules posted to government websites in recent days said Communist Party members can be punished for viewing illegal sites and
that they must register all foreign or local social media accounts