Hero Manchu Vishnu got injured in an accident during the film shoot of 'Aachari America Yatra' in Malaysia. The film unit was canning a bike race sequence on Vishnu and others when the accident took place. Vishnu has been rushed to the hospital immediately after the accident.
He has been admitted to Putrajaya Hospital. Latest information says that he is out of danger but other details are yet to come out. The film unit has recently completed a schedule in the USA and they went to Malaysia to shoot some crucial action sequences. Manchu Vishnu has even posted few pics from the Malaysia shoot two days ago. 'Aachari America Yatra' is directed by Nageswar Reddy. This is the third association of Vishnu-Nageswar Reddy after 'Denikaina Ready'.. 'Aado Rakam Eedo Rakam'.