It’s likely, if you’re looking for advice on installing a sewage treatment plant, that you’ll know what this is and how it works. But if you’re just beginning your journey into efficient waste water treatment, then it’s worth going over a few of the basics.
How does a sewage treatment plant differ from a septic tank? The former use mechanical means to break down solid waste, while the latter relies on anaerobic bacteria to reduce organic matter. The disadvantage of septic tank installation is that natural decomposition is slow, and the tank requires emptying regularly. Sewage treatment plants, alternatively, work in a faster, more effective way.
As such facilities deal with larger amount of waste than a septic tank, it’s the better option for larger buildings. It’s also worth remembering that a reliable electrical supply is necessary and there’s still a need for routine maintenance to ensure efficient operation. If the effluent is to be discharged into a water course, the operator need a ‘consent to discharge’ licence.
Approval under the Building Regulations for a new sewage treatment plant is required. If you seek advice from an experienced company offering waste management solutions, they’ll handle the paperwork on your behalf.
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