ABC's Jonathan Karl: Bannon 'Not The Power Player...That He Once Was'

2017-07-31 13

ABC's Jonathan Karl said Sunday that Steve Bannon is no longer the White House power player he once was.

The incoming White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci recently slammed Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon in an expletive-laden interview with the New Yorker.
Since the interview, much of the news coverage has focused on Priebus as he has been replaced as the White House chief of staff by John Kelly.
During a segment of ABC News' 'This Week' Sunday, the show's host Martha Raddatz turned the attention to President Trump's chief strategist when she asked the network's chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl about Bannon's future relationship with Scaramucci.
"Bannon has got thick skin...I think that relationship will end up being fine, believe it or not," responded Karl.
However, he added, "Bannon's position within the West Wing is certainly diminished. It's not what it was in the early months of the administration."
Karl went on to say that Bannon and Scaramucci will likely work things out between themselves but "no question, Bannon is not the power player in that White House that he once was."
Politico also did a piece on Bannon recently, noting that he appears to have distanced himself lately from key policy discussions at the White House.
The publication reported July 21, citing White House advisers, "Bannon, chastened by internal rivalries and by President Donald Trump’s growing suspicion that he is looking out for his own interests, is in a self-imposed exile, having chosen to step back from Trump’s inner circle for the sake of self-preservation..."

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