Dajjal, the figurehead of the British deep state, will claim Godhead

2017-07-29 1

ADNAN OKTAR: The figurehead of the British deep state believes himself to be Jesus Messiah. He claims and says, "I am the son of God," "I am God." This is where it gets abnormal, because the man is not a disbeliever as we know it. "I am Jesus Messiah," he says, "I am possessed by the spirit of Jesus Messiah. Therefore, I am God and so are you," he says. "You are sons of God, in fact I am God Himself. I am God." He does not say manifestation, but rather says, "I am God." "The Holy Spirit, God and me, we are three parts of one entity," he says. This is where Messiah dajjal's insanity stems from. This why he declares Mahdi (as) as the dajjal, because they follow conflicting ideologies. He says, "I call for war and terror, so that Mahdi comes. I am not dajjal." "But he calls for peace and disarmament, so he is the dajjal," he says. This is what they actually believe in; this is what their book says. Actually the right path is upholding peace, to abolish bloodshed, and to promote love. However dajjal will try to present peace, love and brotherhood as a sin, a crime, while promoting violence, terror and bloodshed as goodness.

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