David Davis using hi-tech 'Faraday briefcase' to block spies prying into Brexit secrets

2017-07-29 6

David Davis using hi-tech 'Faraday briefcase' to block spies prying into Brexit secrets
DAVID Davis is carrying Britain’s European Union divorce proceedings in a hi-tech briefcase designed to stop foreign spies accessing vital information on Brexit, it has been revealed. The briefcase is based on the Faraday cage, a secure box invented by English scientist Michael Faraday in 1846 to block electromagnetic fields.Mr Davis has also swapped his Apple Watch for a Garmin timepiece amid fears foreign spies could activate the microphone on the device and listen in to meetings.Spies have been known to go to extreme lengths to protect their security in the age of the smartphone, with some placing their mobile phones in fridges to block radio signals and stop intelligence agencies listening in on conversations.

The news of Mr Davis’ sophisticated Brexit briefcase comes as he prepares to fly to Brussels next week amid tense negotiations over Britain's evacuation from the EU bloc.He will meet the European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier on Monday to discuss Britain’s 'divorce bill' and the rights of EU nationals after Brexit. Meanwhile 15 Tory rebels are thought to be striking a deal with Labour MPs to undermine Theresa May and keep Britain in the European Economic Area (EEA) under a Norway-style deal.Labour's Stephen Kinnock said he was seeking to form a “coalition of common sense” with like-minded Conservative MPs to keep the UK in the EEA for an unspecified “time-bound period”.The plot could see the UK unable to add new border restrictions by keeping the nation under the whim of the EU's freedom of movement rules.. 00FastNews. New source of news.
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