This video contains speculation only by iGame613 of his E3 Gaming Expo predictions. This includes speculation on Microsoft Xbox One, A slim Xbox one model, Xbox one VR (Virtual Reality) headset, GTA V DLC, Halo 5, Overdrive Sunset, Dead Island 2, Playstation 4 (PS4), Batman Dark Knight, Ratchet and Clank, LittleBig Planet 3, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Need For Speed, Underground 3, Just Cause 3, EA (Electronic Arts), Mirrors Edge, Battlefield 5, Medal Of Honor, The Sims 4, Ubisoft, Assassins Creed Syndicate, Rayman, Far Cry 4, Nintendo, Legend of zelda, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Square Enix, Final Fantasy XVI, Drakenguard 4, Kingdom Hearts 3, Life Is Strange, Tomb Raider, PC, Diablo 3, Worold Of Warcraft (WoW), Half life 3, Portal 3, Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 and many many more. This video gives my insight of what I think will come out and when and what will happen on the stage! I hope you enjoy the video and rate it accordingly. Thanks :)