Jacob Rees-Mogg reveals TRUE feelings about losing top Brexit job - & if he'll run for PM

2017-07-27 9

Jacob Rees-Mogg reveals TRUE feelings about losing top Brexit job - & if he'll run for PM
EXCLUSIVE: Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg has revealed he always expected Nicky Morgan to win a top Brexit job over him as he dashed voters' hopes of him becoming Prime Minister.
Mr Rees-Mogg had been in the running against her, but the rest of the 12-strong cross-party committee voted 226 to 290 against him in the fifth round of voting.Labour critics claimed he couldn't cast an impartial eye on the Bank of England as he had a conflict of interest due to owning an investment fund - claims denied by Mr Rees-Mogg The backbencher told Express.co.uk: "It was actually very much as I had expected and Nicky will be an excellent chairwoman."The thing about politics is you have to throw your hat in the ring and quite often it gets thrown back again."One has to be very pragmatic about that."

Mr Rees-Mogg, who is still part of the committee, batted away any suggestions that Labour's four committee members had anything to do with her winning.He said: "She's a former cabinet minister, she's a highly capable, intelligent person."I think people voted for her because they thought she's a better candidate." The North East Somerset MP has been rising in the bookmakers' lists of who will take over from Mrs May if she was to step down, with the latest odds at 11/1, just behind Jeremy Corbyn, David Davis, Phillip Hammond, Boris Johnson and Amber Rudd.Reacting to his odds, which have been slashed dramatically over the past week, he said: "A fool and his money are soon parted."It's very flattering and very amusing, but I wouldn't advise your readers to invest with the bookmakers if they want a long-term investment strategy."I think there are better ways of making their money work for them." Before the five rounds of voting for the Treasury Select Committee's leader, much was made about Mr Rees-Mogg owning Somerset Capital Management, a London and Singapore-based asset management firm as his involvement was seen as a conflict of interest.The North East Somerset MP criticised the fact anybody who has knowledge of an industry is seen to be conflicted in parliament.He said: "I was actually more concerned about my business before I decided to stand, than during the campaign."It came up less than I anticipated. "It is one of the ironies of standards in public life that if you know about something it's deemed to be a conflict of interest - better you shouldn't have this interest and experience, which I'm not sure is very helpful in the long-run."As soon as you know about something, you're bound to have some perception of conflict, even through your friends, if not through your active involvement."I think in a way conflicts are positive in this sense because they do, or at least ought to, indicate some level of knowledge.". 00FastNews. New source of news.
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