Olivia Wilde Sent Jennifer Lawrence Soup After She Got Sick During '1984'

2017-07-26 15

Olivia Wilde has no hard feelings for Jennifer Lawrence after she reportedly got up and ran out of Olivia’s Broadway performance of 1984, then proceeded to vomit in the lobby.

In fact, Olivia sort of ran to her rescue, in a way. She tells Watch What Happens Live about the incident, saying “Listen, she didn’t need to apologize. I felt so bad and I sent her some Matzah ball soup and some bagels and she feels much better… She had a stomach flu, the poor thing walked in sick.”

We’re sure J-Law was a little embarrassed after publicly getting sick in front of theatre goers, and we’re sure a hot New York City playhouse didn’t pair well with the flu.

We haven’t heard from J-Law regarding the incident, but we’re sure she appreciated the gesture from a fellow actress. Olivia told Watch What Happens Live, “She’s feeling better thank the Lord because she’s the best.”

No word if Olivia got sick during Passengers.