Ord Mantell Space Mission 1 (Star Wars Galaxies NGE)

2017-07-24 28

I'm not going to record every single Ord Mantell mission, because frankly I can't do them all (the final tier is way too tough to solo). These missions are purposefully low on action to teach the player how to fly, although the combat in SWG is a little more sandboxy, with more objectives like escort, rendevous, dock, etc. There's still inspection, and there's plenty of dogfighting, but not so much in this video. There is a whole lot of downtime in SWG, and some people liked that. It did simulate the travel to and from objectives pretty well. Incidentally, I've tried to mirror the controls from all the other X-Wing/TIE Fighter games on my gamepad for SWG, although all are not applicable. Basic controls and keybindings are the same though.