Chelsea Handler Accused of Stealing Trademarked Brand

2017-07-24 13

Chelsea Handler found herself embroiled in a new controversy… but this one has a happy ending.

The Netflix star aired a segment on her show called A Broad Abroad… a four minute tongue and cheek bit offering travel advice while poking fun at President Trump… only thing is – that’s title’s already taken.

It belongs to the creator of an online travel magazine… and she’s not too happy with the funny-lady.

She wrote that she found out about it when people kept telling her about Chelsea’s segment, and she wrote that it’s pretty easy to find out if someone has already built a business around that name.

She posted a few complaints about Handler’s theft of the name, and says creative people should be rewarded – not stolen from.

Chelsea of course responded.

She wrote that she had no idea it was a thing… and there’s no need to cease and desist. She doesn’t want to intentionally or unintentionally rip anyone off.

Like we said.

A happy ending.