Alabama man shoots and kills 820-pound wild hog in front yard

2017-07-21 96

SAMSON, ALABAMA — An Alabama man shot and killed a massive feral hog when it wandered into his front yard, causing the family dog to go nuts last Tuesday night.

According to local media Dothan and Eagle, Samson resident Wade Seago[e] said he was not sure what to expect when he heard his stepdaughter's screaming. He then rushed out. On his way out, Seago grabbed a .38 pistol. His step daughter told him about a hog at the front door.

What Seago saw was an enormous hog with six-inch long tusks in his front yard while his schnauzer, Cruiser was barking maniacally at the giant hog. Afraid the hog might attack his daughter and the dog, Seago took aim and fired three shots.

After killing the ginormous feral hog, Seago broke a set of scales trying to weigh it. The next day, a local peanut company allowed Seago to use their digital scales and weigh the beast. Turns out the tank-like hog weighed a whopping 820 lbs.

Seago told the Associated Press that he plans to display the hog's head and shoulders at his taxidermy shop.

In a response to killing the hog, Seago said he did not regret about killing the hog and he would do it again if he sees one. Feral hogs cause millions of dollars in damage annually in Alabama, hunters are allowed to kill as many as they want on private land.