Florida Man shoots out tires of AT&T trucks outside his home

2017-07-21 4

HIALEAH, FLORIDA — A 64-year-old Florida man who was unhappy about AT&T workers parking their trucks near his driveway decided to get them to move by shooting at the vehicles on Wednesday.

Two AT&T utility workers were working on lines near ex-firefighter Jorge Jove's home in Hialeah, Florida, when Jove came out and told them to move. The workers explained that they would after they finished with their repairs, but that wasn't good enough for Jove.

He went back into his house and came out with a gun in his hand. He first shot out the tires, then began shooting into the bodies of the trucks. Luckily, none of the workers were hurt.

One of the workers called 911 for help while Jove continued to unleash a hail of bullets into the trucks. The other worker was already elevated and fixing lines as this was taking place, WSVN reported.

A total of 18 bullets were fired. Hialeah police said Jove seemed to be a quiet man and something made him snap that day. He was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.