History of the FEDEC, european federation of circus schools

2017-07-20 3

The FEDEC was born from the needs to think about the present and the future of the professional education and professional training of the circus, the FEDEC became solid network gathering and representing the whole sector of the training of circus arts vocational circus arts training began in the early seventies, former circus artists, athletes, dancers, men and woman in theaters and educators were all behind the new form of circus and new aesthetics in contrast with the traditional circus, these people have an active role to pass their skills and knowledge to help the development and recognition of the circus as a major art form, they founded the very first circus schools, this schools were isolated as islands in their own regions they all face the same problems and challenges, they need to get together so directors teachers and students could share their ideas and experiences.
The FEDEC was founded in the early nineties as an informal organization, their first programs and initiatives were conducted under the auspice of the European Federation for the education of the children of the occupational travelers founded in 1998 in Brussels, at first there was an initial college representing the circus schools and the education activities in schools outside the traditional circus families, after that the FEDEC became autonomous and wanted to have its own structure. The FEDEC was founded as an informal independent entity in 1988 at the instigation of three higher educational circus schools; CIRCUS SPACE with Charlie Holland as its course director, the CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS DU CIRQUE directed by Bernard Turin and the ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES ARTS DU CIRQUE by Philip hanen, who invited all other professionals circus schools to join the network.
From 1999 onwards John Vinett took the initiative of submitting the European project grant application, the FEDEC will use this funds in order to create its first Project called ELIPSE organized in AUCH in October 2000 these three schools invited other schools to raise the profile of students creation, CARAMPA and DIE ETAGE join them, this first projects was a big success and created a space for educational and artistic proposal from vocational schools and their students.

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