Ryan Seacrest is Joining American Idol!

2017-07-20 27

Ryan Seacrest is coming back to American Idol.

And wow – this is big news.

Seacrest made the news official on Live with Kelly and Ryan basically saying that it’s hard for him to leave his 15 year relationship with the show.

He mused that the show was ending and he thought of it as a breakup… and then when it was rumored to be returning, he thought it would be great to get back together at some point.

Still no word on what his shooting schedule would be like, but from past reports, it sounds like he’s going to be living the jet setter lifestyle for a while.

Live with Kelly and Ryan films in New York City – where he now lives – and Idol, as you already know, films in Los Angeles.

Seacrest is just the latest high profile name to sign on to Idol.

Katy Perry is getting a reported 25 million for her work as a judge, and Seacrest is sure to be getting a pretty fat check too.

But that number has yet to be released.