Archaeologists May Have Found The Tomb Of King Tut’s Wife

2017-07-19 34

Archaeologists working in Egypt’s Valley of Kings may have found the tomb of King Tut’s wife.

Archaeologists working in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings may have found the tomb of King Tutankhamun's wife, reports LiveScience.
Though only 10 years old when ascended to power, Tutankhamun took his half-sister Ankhesenamun as his bride shortly after, notes the Daily Mail.
After the young pharaoh’s sudden passing, Ankhesenamun reportedly married his successor, Ay. The tomb suspected to be hers is located near the one dedicated to her second husband. 
Zahi Hawass, the leader of the Valley of the Kings exploration team, told LiveScience, “We are sure there is a tomb there, but we do not know for sure to whom it belongs."
He also commented that telltale discoveries thus far include foundation deposits, which are “caches or holes in the ground that were filled with votive objects such as pottery vessels, food remains and other tools,” and, “a sign that a tomb construction is being initiated." 
Further, “…the radar did detect a substructure that could be the entrance of a tomb."
Excavations of the site are planned and could clear up a great deal of the mystery surrounding Ankhesenamun.
Though she was married to two pharaohs, what became of her is unknown. The historical record does not appear to reference her once she became the wife of Ay. 

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