'It won't change ANYTHING’ Rees-Mogg slates Corbyn and Sturgeon's POINTLESS Brussels trips

2017-07-19 2

'It won't change ANYTHING’ Rees-Mogg slates Corbyn and Sturgeon's POINTLESS Brussels trips
EXCLUSIVE: Jeremy Corbyn and Nicola Sturgeon’s visit to Brussels today is pointless as they will have no influence over Brexit negotiations, Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said.
“They will be the ones doing the negotiations.“It’s a perfectly reasonable thing for them to do but it won’t change the trend of the negotiations.”Ms Sturgeon, the SNP leader and Scottish First Minister, was part of a remoaner mission to the Belgian capital today, joined by Mr Corbyn and Labour’s Welsh first minister Carwyn Jones.The trio met with EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier - who previously stated he would not negotiate with Scotland behind Britain’s back. Ms Sturgeon was expected to beg the Frenchman to help her prevent an “extreme Brexit outside the single market” during a 45-minute meeting.Independence “obsessed” Sturgeon was seen leaving after just 45 minutes, saying the meeting was "useful and constructive”.She admitted she is going against everything Theresa May is saying and is concentrating on what is best for Scotland, not Britain as a whole.

Mr Corbyn said before the meeting he would tell the EU’s negotiator he is the prime minister in waiting and is “ready to take up the responsibility for Brexit negotiations” if Mrs May falls. Asked whether Mr Corbyn’s meeting would prompt left-wing European parties in Brussels to put pressure on the negotiations, Mr Rees-Mogg, said: “Well, what do they seek to achieve?“EU officials are also saying that no deal is better than a bad deal, they said this earlier this week. “But they are in a worse position than we are on this issue, because if they get no deal we leave, we don’t have to pay the European Union any money, not at all, not a brass farthing.“And that’s a very good, strong position to be in.“With no deal, their budget is ruined and they don’t have our money and suddenly they’ve got to cut expenditure in some of the poorer countries, or Germany has to pay more. “So, no deal doesn’t really suit them. So if visits from leading UK politicians make them think it would be better to just try a punishment deal for the UK, we go for no deal and then cut off their nose to spite their faces.“We in the UK should not be frightened of no deal, but with no deal, we save a huge amount of money, at least £10billion a year, in net contributions.” “But we’re also able to trade with the EU on the same basis we do with the rest of the world. 60 per cent of our trade is already done with the rest of the world on primarily WTO basis and so, suddenly our trading position is pretty good.“And all the protection that is through the EU customs union, it is there to protect continental European businesses, not UK businesses so if we are out of that, that’s where the really exciting opportunity comes so we can have lower prices, particularly for goods, some services as well, particularly goods.”. 00FastNews. New source of news.
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