The Prom It's a Pleasure is a well-produced color film that stars the 1961 Coca-Cola Junior Miss Pageant winner as the guide to a well-mannered prom night. From the phone call asking Junior Miss for the date, to the drop-off at the end of the night, this film details prom etiquette for the curious and uncouth teenager. It also explains that the boy should call his date’s mother before the dance to find out the color of her dress so he can match the corsage to it. Wholesome sixties movies often dealt with American morals, and this prom night film is a classic example. At the high school dance itself, the film shows how to dance, how to ask someone to dance, ways to ask someone to dance, how to fill out a dance card, and how to navigate the refreshments, which consisted mostly of Coca-Cola, not surprisingly. In addition to all the prom do's and don'ts etiquette tips, this film features great footage of a typical sixties prom.